How the Stretch Machine Becomes Your Home Gym Companion

Upgrade your home gym with dual adjustable pulley and commercial upright bike system and get a whole-body workout that is tailored to your fitness goals!

Are you looking to your home guys for the perfect addition? Look no further than the Stretch Machine system! These machines provide a comprehensive workout that can be tailored to target any of your fitness goals.

Improve strength and tone muscles with the dual adjustable pulley system

Choose from a range of exercises to target specific muscle groups and build strength. The Stretch Machine unique design allows for multiple plane movements so that you can work your body from any angle.

Strengthen your chest, back, arms, and legs with both cable-based and free-weight exercises on this one machine!

Burn calories and boost stamina with the upright bike

  • The bike’s advanced design gives you a natural range of motion so that you can move like you would on a real outdoor ride.
  • Depending on your fitness goals, it offers adjustable resistance levels and preloaded programs. And you can purchase it from Muscle D Fitness.

Work out effectively with pre-programmed routines

The dual adjustable pulley system comes with a wide selection of pre-programmed routines catered to your fitness goals.

With the adjustable cables, you can target different muscle groups by adjusting the height and resistance level that is suitable for your body type.

Create a customized workout with interchangeable accessories

The dual adjustable pulley system is compatible with a variety of interchangeable accessories that allows you to customize your workout. With the commercial upright bike, you can now work on both upper and lower body muscles.